Quechee Gorge Before we left home yo head north, we had planned to meet Rhys's best-friend-of-all-time (and his family 😁) in Vermont where they were going to be taking their own little summer vacation. You may remember from one of my previous posts that Rhys' BFF's family had moved to Boston a few years ago. We have been to Boston proper to visit them. Last year we met at another halfway point, at a state park in New Hampshire (you can (re-) read about that adventure here ). Naturally, this year we thought we'd expand our radius a little into Vermont 😆. We both mapped out where an approximate halfway point for both families would be and came up with Quechee State Park in Vermont. Interestingly, the day before we were to head to Vermont to meet them, I receive a text message from my step-sister who coincidentally also happened to be in New Hampshire! She was staying near Dartmouth (which is right near the Vermont border) with a frien...
Exploring Nature with your Family