Not the summit, but still a spectacular view! In somewhat typical fashion for our family (beginning our time in New Hampshire with a bang (read: high mileage)), this trip started out with us attempting back to back 4,000 footers. Why? I'm not totally sure. Perhaps we were feeling energetic having recently arrived, or more likely, the questionable weather forecast forced us to tackle some of our biggest hikes right away, before the impending rain. Now, I know what you are thinking. Yes, some hikes are completely doable in rain. Soft trail, even trails that have tree roots are manageable, but steep and rocky terrain becomes dangerous in wet weather. As do trails that feature cliffs or are otherwise described as "ledge-y." I'd imagine that is what actually motivated us to check another of the 48 4,000 footers off of our list so soon: to take the weather out of the equation. We settled on the East Peak of Mt. Osceola. Most people hike both the mai
Exploring Nature with your Family