The vista from Snows Mountain This fall our trip to the White Mountains started off with some extreme mileage, a twelve mile hike (which is at least extreme to our kids), followed by two 4,000 footers. Some times it is easy for me to get wrapped up in the "big" things like: how long is the hike, is it a famous/popular hike, is it a 4,000 footer, etc.? But I've found that the problem with that sort of focus is that you can potentially exhaust yourself physically and mentally (and your children!), and you tend to overlook some pretty amazing sights. For instance, the day we drove to New Hampshire we arrived at about 4 p.m. That is not enough time to do anything "substantial" but we walked from our house down to the river and followed the Mad River Trail for about a mile or 2. It was gorgeous and the boys absolutely loved being along the water, the crossings, and all the rocks. We probably would have never considered the hike otherwise. Anoth...
Exploring Nature with your Family