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White Mountains- East Pond Trail

East Pond

After yesterday's long haul (12 miles that were unintended) we decided to do some more research upon returning home and try to find something a little more reasonable in terms of mileage.  I consulted my handy dandy little Waterville Valley Hiking Trails map back at the house and came up with the East Pond Loop.  It is a loop that connects 2 ,count 'em, 2 ponds.  I'm not making the Greeley Ponds mistake again!  The trail is rated as easy and is only 4.5 miles.

It was a beautiful walk on a chilly, but sunny autumn day.  

R is getting good at the turn and look hiking pose 😂😍

Arriving at the East Pond takes your breath away.  It was still early and quiet.  Cold.  Steam was rising from the surface of the water.   The water reflected the surrounding mountains perfectly.  Upon closer inspection the water is incredibly clear.  It is the type of place to sit at and contemplate life, thinking nothing and everything all at once.  My husband accurately described it as being both ephemeral and ethereal.

It is probably 40 something degrees outside 
and N has shed his layers down to a tee shirt 😨

We carried on around the loop through the woods to the Little East Pond which is, as its name would imply, smaller, yet still pretty.  We stopped and ate our snacks and carried on to finish our walk back to our car.

Little East Pond

Can you spot the red squirrel?

We apparently arrived a week after peak foliage, 
but the leaves were still beautiful. 

Brook crossings are a staple of hiking here.

Interesting crossing technique over this stream.

After our hike, we returned home to have lunch.  N had homework to complete so his brother and father went golfing, and I promised to take him to the local pond to fish.

A mallard and cormorant. 

The town center as seen from across the pond.

Getting geared up.

I loved observing this bird.

See?  Life contemplation.

Daddy joined after golf and got a fishing lesson.

And finally after dinner we went on a night time walk with lanterns, glow sticks and headlamps.  We gazed up at the stars and tried to identify constellations.  All in all, not a bad day 😉🌟🌕


  1. Is that Wif fishing? Yep, looks like a more relaxed (fun?) trip.

  2. Indeed it was. It has been both fun AND relaxing :-)


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