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Sky Meadows State Park- Summer

Spicebush Swallowtail

Sky Meadows is definitely one of our family's favorite parks, if not our outright favorite. I can't even give you an accurate count of the times we have been there this season alone: 7 maybe.  It has many trails of varying difficulty.  You can take it easy or put together some substantial mileage as the Appalachian Trail runs through it.  But if you are looking for a spot to take small children, or someone who doesn't hike often, it offers lots of possibilities which is not true of all places.  I have too many amazing photos and too much to write about, so Sky Meadows will have a series of posts with this being the first 😊.

Today we chose an easier, laid back route (part of Corporal Morgan to Hadow to Snowden trails and back totally roughly 5-6 miles).  Our son hadn't felt well the day before so we didn't want to tax him too much.  It is also July in the Mid-Atlantic and the temperature was on its way to the 90's with a heat index (how hot it feels) of about 100.  We were there early and parked in our favorite parking spot and immediately noticed that what had just been an empty hillside and field were now bursting with wildflowers and BUTTERFLIES!  I've never seen so many naturally in such a (relatively) small area.  And such a variety!  Butterflies that I haven't seen before.  We excitedly took photos and watched them dance throughout the field.  I was thrilled to get home, upload my photos and breakout all of the books we own to identify what we had seen.  I cherished seeing my youngest son gently scoop up the tiniest of moths, carrying it gingerly before placing it back onto a clover.  Back in the car he told me that when we got home he wanted to do "research" on butterflies 😍

It turns out that pollinators really, really love Thistle.
I'm not sure I fully realized that until I looked through these photographs.

A gorgeous Spicebush Swallowtail

Common Sulphur enjoying Clover

Cabbage White

While I was enamored with the butterflies, my sons excitedly pointed out a snail.

The Little Guy appreciating the tiniest, sweetest little moth

Another Cabbage White

The flowers were just spectacular

A Monarch!

I had to be very patient to get this Zebra Swallowtail.  They are elusive, and hardly settle, but persistence paid off.  While everyone was back at the car having snacks, I walked up and down the wildflower meadow trying to capture this gorgeous butterfly.


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